Hawkesbury People & Places HomeMap 🌏Books For SaleSelf-guided ToursResearchLinksCommentindexes ˅indexesWilberforce Cemetery IndexWilberforce Cemetery Unmarked Graves IndexHawkesbury People & PlacesCategoriesList of PeopleAbbott, JamesAddy, WilliamAdlum, ThynneAird, JamesAllen, FannieAllen, RolandAnderson, ThomasAndree, MrAnschau, F BArcher, Mr H LArgent, Mr EArmstrong familyArndell, Dr ThomasArndell, Mr TAscough familyAshby, Mr H EAspinall, WAull, RobertAvern, VernBailey, A JBaillee, Mr J DBaker, WilliamBaldwin, ElizabethBaldwin, HenryBalzer, Mr J WBarkley-Jack, JanBartley, GeorgeBaur, N GBecke, Mr W H HBeddek, FrancisBell, ArchibaldBell, WilliamBenson, WilliamBerckelman, AdolphusBerckelman, Arthur JohnBeresford, LesBerger, Joseph Ernestberkelman-mr-a-jBerry, PhilBeveridge, Mr PBingham, NanBinstead, BertBlack, EdithBlacket, ArthurBlackley, K RBlady, AnneBlady, WilliamBligh, Governor WilliamBloome, Mr J HBodiam, GeorgeBonus, JamesBonus, Mr RBooth, Esther AmeliaBoston, ThomasBoughton, SamuelBourke, JamesBowd, BruceBowen, George Meares CountessBowen, Mr G BBowen, SusanBowman, GeorgeBowman, WilliamBoxhall, WBoyter, GeorgeBrett, WilliamBrooks, WilliamBrown, DavidBrown, Joseph EBruce, ?Buckland, CrBuckland, JohnBuckridge, DanielBurdekin, SydneyBusby, John ScurrBusby, MissButtsworth familyButtsworth, AustinButtsworth, HenryButtsworth, JohnButtsworth, LindaButtsworth, SarahByrne, O T (Laddie)Cadell, ThomasCaley, GeorgeCameron, Mr RCamerson, Mr JCampbell, AdaCampbell, FrankCampbell, FrederickCampbell, MissCampbell, Thomas FlemingCarroll, MissCarroll, PeterCartwright, Rev RobertCarver, JamesCarvosso, Rev BenjaminCastlereagh, Lord ViscountCavanagh, OwenCavenough, OwenChandler, J WChandler, Mr JCharley, PhilipCharlton, 'Boy'Clark, BillClark, JohnClarke, MarjClements, CarlClements, Mr A HCobcroft familyCobcroft, GertrudeCobcroft, Mr GCobcroft, Richard WilliamColey, RichardColless, AlfredCollison, Mr ACollison, Mr E JCollison, Mr F WColreavy, Mr JComrie, Mr JConnelly, MrsCope, JosephCope, Mrs MariaCordner, Allen EdwardCordner, Gladys RosinaCornwell, ArthurCoulter, L CorpCox, MrCox, SamuelCox, WilliamCragg, Mr J HCribb, MrsCrimson, MrCropley, MrsCrouch, Mr JCunningham, AlanCupitt, FredCupitt, George jnrCupitt, Mr ECupitt, Mr JCupitt, NoraCutler, MrDaley, ClemDaley, Mr F GDaley, Mrs F GDalgety, Samuel GonnermanDalton, HannahDalton, HerbDalton, Mr MDalton, Mr W HDangar, Henry CareyDarling, Mr L JDavis, Jamesde Burgh, Ernest MacartneyDean, NDean, W HDeane, Mr B S LDenniss, RonaldDevlin, MrDick, RobertDickson, George Jennings (Farrier Sergeant)Dixon, MissDodd, JeremiahDonnelly, RichardDonohue, Mr JDonovan, ElizabethDonovan, JohnDouglass, JosephDouglass, Matilda VirginiaDouglass, Mr WDouglass, OrrDouglass, StanleyDouglass, WillDownes, Mr SDoyle, A PDoyle, AndrewDoyle, DarcyDoyle, MrsDoyle, SophiaDucros, AlfDuffy, M ADuke, MajorDunstan, ArthurDunstan, Jessie MayDunstan, Mr HDunston, JohnDunston, Mr JDunston, WilliamDyer, Mr HEagles, John HenryEarle, OwenEather familyEdwards, FEdwards, MrsElliott, Miss MaryEvans, George WilliamEveringham, JoshuaFairey, Rev Frederick C BFarlow, ClaudeFarlow, HenryFarlow, JamesFarlow, Mr JFerguson, GeoffFernance, JohnFernance, JosephFernance, Mary (nee Green)Fiaschi, Dr ThomasFidler, N KField, BaronFitzgerald, RichardFitzpatrick, John CharlesFitzpatrick, John Charles LucasFitzpatrick, John JamesFleming, CharlotteFleming, HenryFleming, JosephFletcher, Rev Joseph HomerFogarty, FamilyFolbigg, Mr & Mrs C JFoley, DavidFoley, JohnFoote, Dorothy MayForfar, Mr & MrsForssberg, CharlesFowler, Mr R MFranks, Mr NFreame, WilliamFry, Mr EGallagher, Mr G DGalloway, John JamesGaudry, WilliamGeary, PeterGee, RobertGeldart Mr PGeraghty, 'Jack'Gillespie, V W (Vic)Gorrick, IsaacGosper, John CGosper, John ThomasGosper, Mr JesseGosper, RobertGosper, Wilfred ArthurGott, EllenGotts, GeorgeGould, MissGow, Cecil John (Jack)Gow, StephenGreen, Henry JGreentree familyGreentree, GeorgeGreentree, JohnGreentree, Mr NGreentree, MrsGreenway, FrancisGreenwell familyGreenwell, George KennethGreenwell, MalcolmGreenwell, Miss IdaGreenwell, Mr WGregory, JimGrice familyGrice, EthelGrice, JimGriffin, Sir EltonGrimwood, Albert VictorGrono, JohnGrose, Lieutenant Governor FrancisGumperts, Mr G EHall, Matthew SmithHall, BrinsleyHall, GeorgeHall, WilliamHalton BrosHand, JohnHannabus, Col SergtHarkness, SamuelHarris, JohnHassall, RevHatte, Mr C GHaughey, JohnHawkins, FreddieHayes, BrothersHearne, LouisaHennessy, Mrs RayHerbertson, Mr J FHession, Mr WHibbs, GeorgeHicks, ConstableHiggins, BillHoddle, RobertHogan, Captain MichaelHogan, WilliamHolborrow, MessrsHolborrow, William HillierHolland, ErnestHolman, John HHolmes, MargaretHopkins, IsaacHopkins, SusannahHopkins, WilliamHordern, HunterHordern, RossHorton, Rev WilliamHoskins, Lynne (nee Stolk)Hoskisson, ElizabethHoskisson, MrsHoskisson, SamuelHough familyHowe, JohnHowell, JohnHowie, ArchibaldHudson, Mr EHull, JimHull, Mr JHunt, JamesHunter, Governor JohnHusband, J RHuxley, ThomasHybon, GeorgeIcely, Mr CIngate, CharlesIzzard & CoIzzard, GeorgeIzzard, SarahJacob, AldJarvis, MissJeffery, CharlieJeffery, Mrs Eliza (nee Packer)Jenkins, MrJerdan, MrsJockel, Dr Louis ConradJohnson, George CharlesJohnston, AndrewJohnston, J B & Co, AuctioneersJones, Malcolm EdwardJoyce, VicKable, HenryKeenan, BernardKemp, PeterKenny, MauriceKershaw, JosephKeys, HenryKilpatrick, RonKing Mr H RKing, Phillip GidleyKingham, Mr E P SKirkwood, LillianKirwan, GeorgeKirwan, Mr M EKnell, JamesKnight, AustenLamrock, Mr JLamrock, SarahLanda, PaulLaw, HenryLees, Armine ArabinLeet, ClarindaLeet, JackLeet, JonathanLeet, TomLeverton, Samuel (jnr)Leverton, Samuel (snr)Leverton, WilliamLewis, RalphLiddy, Cyrus WilliamLiddy, MrLines, Mr JLinsley, Mr W FLocke, MatthewLoomes, Constable JamesLord familyLord, DorothyLord, JoanLord, SimeonLowe, RobertLoxton, Mr T HLucas, ElizabethLutterell, EdwardLynch FamilyMackay, William JohnMackenzie, Forbes BurnsideMackenzie, William HenryMacleod Morgan, H AMacquarie, Governor LachlanMagnus, Henry JMagrath, JamesMain, EdwardMain, Mr C FManning, ClaraMarlin, GeorgeMarlin, Mr RMasters, T MMatheson, Cr H CMay, BernardMayne, BobMayne, DanielMayne, DooleyMcArthur, Mrs AMcCarthy Mr WMcCauley, GeoMcCormack, DrMcDougall, MrsMcGrath, JamesMcHardy, CathyMcKillop, DonMcMahon, JamesMcMahon, MrMcMahon, Mr EMcMahon, Mr JMcMahon, Mr M JMcMahon, Mr M J (Bill)McMahon, Mrs FMcMahon, Vincent StephenMcNeely, JohnMcQuade, HenryMeehan, JamesMein, JamesMellish, brothersMelville, JamesMelville, MrMerrick, JohnMerriman, ErnestMerriman, RosaMeyers, JoeMiles, MrMiller, Mr J BMiller, PMillington, Herbert MasseyMitchell, Major T LMitchell, WMolloy, PeterMoore, EricMoran, WilliamMorgan, H BMorgan, Robert ThomasMorgan, WilliamMorley, SamuelMortley, Mr F JMoses, BrothersMoses, GeoffMoses, HenryMoses, William MMottram, AlfMottram, PeterMulgrave,LordMunro, JMunro, MMycock, JohnNagle, ColinNavin, EthelNavin, JohnNealds, MrsNewton, ThomasNicholls familyNicholls, GeorgeNicholls, IanNichols, MichelleNisbet familyNoble, ANoble, CNorris, Mr FNorris, WilliamNorth, SamuelNorton, John MLANowland, MichaelO'Brien, J MrO'Brien, William HenryO'Connell, Lt Col MauriceOnus Joseph jnrOnus, Joseph (1818-1895)Overton, JamesOverton, MaryPacey, Mr W HPacey, W H MrPacker, AlbertPacker, SydneyPadley, Mr JPaine, Mr J JPainter, RubyPalmer, SidPatterson, Mr RPavlakis, MickPeat, GeorgePeck familyPeck, Mr H EPeck, Mr H JPeck, S MPenton, Mr J CPercival, J GPercival, John GeorgePercival, WilliamPerry, Mr W IPerry, S APervis, E RPhillip, Gov ArthurPickup, ClivePitt, EdwinPitt, MaryPitt, Mr G MPitt, Mr HPitt, ThomasPitt, WilliamPlunkett BrothersPowell, EdwardPowell, Mr A BPreston, Eliza (nee Whiteside)Preston, Herbert Harold RichardPrice, Mr APrimrose, JohnPrimrose, ThomasPryke, J TPulsford, M HPulsford, MauricePulsford, Maurice BrianPye, KeithPye, Robert ARamm, Mrs Ruby E (nee Weaver)Ranson, ThomasRea, IsaacRea, MaryReiby, MaryRichards, BenRichards, JamesRichards, James ByrnRichards, Mr RRiemenschneider, MrRitchie, Mr W SRitchie, NinaRoberts, Mr A JRobertson, DonaldRobertson, GeorgeRone, Mr JRose, Maud ElizabethRose, SarahRouse, RichardRowthorn, JamesRozzoli, Frank PRozzoli, KevinRuald, MissRutter, Alice MaudRyan, JimSalt, ArthurSalt, Mrs ElizabethSampson, BurtonSampson, Gertrude (nee Wark)Sandoz, ESantos, Dr DosSargeant, HarryScott, JeannieScott, Rev WShakespeare, C J (Jack)Sheather, GraemeShepherd, HarryShepherd, JohnShepherd, Mrs Susannah (nee Hayes)Shipp, Francis JamesShipp, SusannahSimpson, AlexanderSimpson, L ASingleton, BenjaminSingleton, JSingleton, JamesSingleton, W JSkerman, Rev C HSkuthorp, RichardSkuthorpe familySkuthorpe, GarnerSkuthorpe, Mr RSly, Mr A WSmall, WilliamSmallwood, JosephSmith, HarrySmith, HunterSmith, JosephSmith, LawsonSmith, Mrs BessieSmith, Mrs Nellie (nee Young)Smith, PeterSmith, SamuelSmith, WalterSmith, WillSomerville, Rev JamesSonichson, MrSpinks, William HenrySproule, Mr FStahl, Doris EmilyStahl, Mr TStanbury, JStarkey, ThomasStevens, BillStevens, Jack RStevens, P TStevens, S WStewart, Ann Jane (nee Whiteside)Stewart, JamesStewart, Thomas jnrStinson, EdwardStokes, E (Ted)Stolk, Mr & Mrs LeoStolke, Mrs R GStoneman, JeffStrang, Ethel May DrucillaStrang, Thomas Ericstubbs, FrederickStubbs, JosephStubbs, Mary Ann MariaStubbs, WilliamStuddy, DrSullivan, CecSullivan, ElizabethSullivan, Mr WSwift, Rev A STaaffe, ConstableTate, Martha JaneTate, Rev HenryTaylor, Alderman C FTaylor, Harrry ETeale, HenryTebbutt, JohnTempleton, R CTerry, Mr GThompson, AndrewTierney, ATimmins, JackTimms, Flora AnnTimms, Joseph CharlesTomlinson, RobertTown, AndrewTown, JohnTuckerman, Hollis LachlanTuckerman, Mr ATunks, WilliamTurnbull Cr R BTurnbull, JohnTurner Mr A GTurner, Mr A JTyler, ThomasUpton, JamesUpton, MaxUpton, Mr FUren, ?Venables, SueWade, JimWagg, MissWalker, Mary A CWalker, Mr WWalker, Ronald BruceWalker, Vera KathleenWalker, WilliamWalker, William TWalsh, J JWalsh, MichaelWalsh, MikeWalter, Mrs AaronWalters, MrWard familyWard, JosephWaring, RichardWaring, WilliamWark, WilliamWarren, Mr R EWarwick, JamesWatkins, AlfredWatkins, JamesWatts, JamesWeaver, Joshua MarkWebb, JamesWebb, Mr LWells, GeorgeWenban, JohnWest, Mr MWharton, ThomasWhatley, CharlesWhatley, JosephWheeler, ArthurWheeler, JohnWheeler, MargaretWheeler, ThomasWhite, LabanWhite, MrWhiteside familyWiggins, ElsieWilberforce, WilliamWilbow, JamesWilbow, James ThomasWilbow, Walter JamesWiley, N GWillbridge, Mr RWilliams, John EatherWilliamson, Mr & Mrs G OWilshire, Mr (Police Magistrate)Wilson, ElizabethWilson, HenryWilson, Mr EWilson, Mr W CWilson, SarahWilson, ThomasWiseman, ElizabethWiseman, SolomonWonson, MrWoodbury, IWoodhill, Mr G EWoods, JohnWoods, Mr UriahWooley, ThomasWymble, MrsYoul, Rev JohnZeims, Cr R ABrowse ByCategories Locations PeopleNew NamesRecent Comments
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